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New research reveals weaknesses in Government’s public-private partnership with alcohol industry.
One of two articles on the Responsibility Deal alcohol pledges published in Addiction in 2015.
One of two articles on the Responsibility Deal alcohol pledges published in Addiction in 2015.
Interventions that succeed in some instances may or may not work in other circumstances. You have to consider whether the contextual differences really are ‘significant’, says Mark Petticrew.
This is the final report of our Cold Weather Plan evaluation.
An interim report of the early evaluation. The final report was published in September 2015.
We did two interim reports in 2015. The final report of the evaluation was published in 2017.
An article looking at patient experience of the GP choice scheme was published in BMJ.
An article describing the policy implications of removing general practice boundaries was published in Health Policy.
A systematic review of initiatives to improve patient access to primary care was carried out and published in Health Policy.
Our ambition to co-produce evidence with advisors and officials is fraught with challenges, but remains a worthy goal with valuable benefits, explains PIRU director, Nicholas Mays.
A global maternal health initiative that could save thousands of lives has highlighted dilemmas for those assessing its performance, says Oona Campbell.
An article on the purposes of policy pilots and their consequences was published in the Journal of Social Policy.
We should learn from Melanesian Islanders that feedback provides the deep understanding of interventions which is key to wide-scale, successful roll-out, says Tom Woodcock.
The final report of our evaluation to map data available and to summarise key research evidence on trends in dementia care in England since 2009.