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Results from the (fifth) 2020 key informant survey.
An article evaluating the impact of English health and social care integration on emergency hospital admissions was published in BMC Health Services Research.
Following the final (8th) wave we presented our policy clients with a summary of the descriptive findings of all eight waves of the survey. This is a presentation by Mustafa Al Haboubi of some of our findings to the 2021 HSR UK Conference.
The final report from this rapid PIRU study was published alongside the English government’s new Autism Strategy. The report includes an easy-read version.
The final analysis from our “Preferences for paying for long term care for older people” project was published in Social Science & Medicine.
This article was published in Antibiotics.
Findings from the PIRU evaluation of the Heatwave Plan for England.
An article describing the methodology of the surveys was published in Social Research Practice.
The online version of the questionnaire used for the “Preferences for paying for long term care for older people” representative survey.
PIRU and the Centre for Ageing Better held an online webinar on 15 May 2020 on public attitudes to funding long-term social care for adults.
A short summary of study findings prepared for a webinar on 15 May 2020, a video recording of the webinar is available under videos in the filter.
A care home is usually a person’s last home, but it is nonetheless their ‘home’. So it is important that they are able to live their lives as fully and as independently as possible.
An article describing the methodology of the surveys was published in Spring 2020 in Social Research Practice.
Results from the (fourth) 2019 key informant survey.