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Results from our Personalisation in care homes study were presented at the Older People's Health & Social Care conference, held at Kings College London.
This article was published in BMC Public Health.
The excutive summary of the final report on our evaluation of personalisation in care homes for older people.
A report on our evaluation of personalisation in care homes for older people. An executive summary and lay summary of the report are also available.
The lay summary of the final report on our evaluation of personalisation in care homes for older people.
Our evaluation on understanding participation in genomics research is available as a final report, summary report and a lay summary, all publshed in February 2020.
Our evaluation on understanding participation in genomics research is available as a final report, summary report and a lay summary, all publshed in February 2020.
Our evaluation on understanding participation in genomics research is available as a final report, summary report and a lay summary, all publshed in February 2020.
Fraser A, Tan S, Boaz A, Mays N. (2020). Public Money & Management.
This article was published in Antibiotics.
This is the lay summary for the main report for this project.
A report of the role of patients and public in implementation of the Strategy.
This is the full report of the work summarised in Appendix Two.
A report of the implementation of the international component of the Strategy and explores challenges to the UK in the global AMR policy
A report of the innovation challenges in the biopharma industry response to AMR.