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Results from the (third) 2018 key informant survey.
Hosted by the Government Outcomes Lab at the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford, in partnership with the Policy Innovation and Evaluation Research Unit at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Newcastle University Business School.
An article comparing emergency hospital admissions in Pioneer and non-Pioneer areas was published in BMJ Open.
Dayson C, Fraser A, Lowe T. (2019). Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice.
An article presenting results from the focus groups for our “Preferences for paying for long term care for older people” project was published in Health and Social Care in the Community.
Knowing which of the growing number of initiatives to join up care in the health service actually work for patients is crucial.
The final report of our evaluation of the Screen and Treat Programme setup by the Department of Heath to support UK citizens affected by the terrorist attacks in Tunisia (March and June 2015), Paris (November 2015) and Brussels (March 2016).
Our policy pilots research has resulted in a book chapter published in "The projectification of the public sector", edited by Damian Hodgson, Mats Fred, Simon Bailey and Patrik Hall.
Tan S, Fraser A, McHugh N, Warner M. (2019). Journal of Economic Policy Reform.
Fraser A, Tan S, Mays N. (2019). “To SIB or not to SIB? A comparative analysis of the commissioning processes of two proposed health-focused Social Impact Bond financed interventions in England”. Journal of Economic Policy Reform.
Bekker PM, Mays N, Helderman JK, Petticrew M, Jansen MWJ, Knai C, Ruwaard D. European Journal of Public Health 2018;28(3):19-25.
The inquiry by the House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee into integrated care in England has highlighted the very many changes that are taking place to better join up services at the different tiers of the system while also emphasising that successful transformation which is key to sustainability will require “dedicated national financial and leadership support to enable the NHS to transform at pace”.
Results from the (second) 2017 key informant survey.
An article looking at local implementation of the cold weather plan was published in the Journal of Public Health.