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September 2018

Social Outcomes Conference 2018

Hosted by the Government Outcomes Lab at the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford, in partnership with the Policy Innovation and Evaluation Research Unit at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Newcastle University Business School.

September 2018

SIBs may provide components for outcome-based contracting, but they are not a panacea

Public service reform can benefit from outcome-focussed approaches to commissioning. However, we should avoid assuming that Social Impact Bonds are likely to have wide application, explain PIRU’s research team.

July 2018

Evaluation of the Social Impact Bond Trailblazers in Health and Social Care: Final report

This is the final report of the Social Impact Bonds for Health and Social Care evaluation. The report is in two volumes: 1) the final report and 2) appendices.

July 2018

Evaluation of the Social Impact Bond Trailblazers in Health and Social Care: Final report appendices

This is the final report of the Social Impact Bonds for Health and Social Care evaluation. The report is in two volumes: 1) the final report and 2) appendices.

June 2018

Systems perspectives on policy development and evaluation

June 2018

Commentary on the NHS Digital review on the use of mesh implants for SUI and POP

May 2018

Japan highlights innovative Asia Pacific model for Social Impact Bonds

SIBs are emerging as a way to reconfigure relationships between the state and civil society in ways that their Western inventors may not have anticipated but may wish to replicate.

May 2018

How the food, beverage and alcohol industries presented the Public Health Responsibility Deal in UK print and online media reports

An article looking at how the food, beverage and alochol industries presented the Responsibility Deal in the media was published online in Critical Public Health. This is the accepted manuscript of the aricle.

May 2018

We should ask three big questions about SIBs

Evaluation should test key SIB promises to government: greater collaboration, prevention and innovation, argue two researchers from Oxford University’s Government Outcomes Lab.

April 2018

Investors need rigorous assessments of Social Impact Bonds

A major investor highlights the vital role that research and evaluation should play in developing this form of outcomes funding.

April 2018

Academics can show governments how to evaluate SIBs more rigorously

A wide range of approaches can help identify causality and effectiveness even in complex environments.

April 2018

PIRU’s Spring 2018 debate: “Do Social Impact Bonds work?”

In the run-up to the 3rd International Conference on SIBs, PIRU held a 6-part, weekly blog debate, entitled “Do Social Impact Bonds work?” from cutting edge thinkers and researchers.

April 2018

Impact bonds could offer a paradigm shift towards more effective public services

Social and Development Impact Bonds require enormous effort for the partners involved, but they have a potential to transform the financing and delivery of social services across the globe.

January 2018

Explaining Low Uptake of Direct Payments in Residential Care

An article looking at the barriers to implementing direct payments in residential care was published in the Journal of Social Policy.

October 2017

How evidence informed decision-making can take a systems perspective: the implications of systems thinking for public health evaluation