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April 2018

Academics can show governments how to evaluate SIBs more rigorously

A wide range of approaches can help identify causality and effectiveness even in complex environments.

April 2018

PIRU’s Spring 2018 debate: “Do Social Impact Bonds work?”

In the run-up to the 3rd International Conference on SIBs, PIRU held a 6-part, weekly blog debate, entitled “Do Social Impact Bonds work?” from cutting edge thinkers and researchers.

April 2018

Impact bonds could offer a paradigm shift towards more effective public services

Social and Development Impact Bonds require enormous effort for the partners involved, but they have a potential to transform the financing and delivery of social services across the globe.

January 2018

Explaining Low Uptake of Direct Payments in Residential Care

An article looking at the barriers to implementing direct payments in residential care was published in the Journal of Social Policy.

October 2017

How evidence informed decision-making can take a systems perspective: the implications of systems thinking for public health evaluation

October 2017

The LOUD SIB Model

A report on the four factors that determine whether a social impact bond is launched, also includes an infographic.

August 2017

An evaluation of a public-private partnership to reduce artificial trans fatty acids in England, 2011-16

A paper looking at the effectiveness of the pledge to reduce artificial trans fatty acids was published in the European Journal of Public Health.

August 2017

Provision of information to consumers about the calorie content of alcoholic drinks: did the Responsibility Deal pledge increase the availability of calorie information?

A paper on providing consumers with information on the calorie content of alcoholic drinks was published in Public Health.

July 2017

Direct Payments in Residential Care: Evaluation of Trailblazers

Findings from our Direct Payments in Residential Care evaluation study were presented at the British Society of Gerontology, 46th Annual Conference in Swansea

July 2017

Rethink questions to patients in general practice and focus more on improving primary care

The “Friends and Family Test”, seeking patients’ views, has created anxiety among practices but shed little light on patients’ concerns. It’s time for a rethink, suggests our study.

July 2017

Early findings from the evaluation of the Integrated Care and Support Pioneers in England

An article describing early results of the evaluation was published in the Journal of Integrated Care.

June 2017

Evaluation of the Integrated Care and Support Pioneers Programme in the Context of New Funding Arrangements for Integrated Care in England

Early findings of the long-term evaluation, and outlined plans for the first economic evaluation, presented at a dedicated workshop at the 17th International Conference on Integrated Care in Dublin.

June 2017

The Public Health Responsibility Deal: making the workplace healthier?

An article looking at the likely effectiveness of the health at work pledges was published in the Journal of Public Health.

May 2017

Using the Friends & Family Test in general practice

An article summarising the results of the use of the FFT in general practice was published in the British Journal of General Practice.

April 2017

Social Impact Bonds offer challenges and opportunities in health and social care

SIBs bring promises of extra cash and reduced fragmentation but also concerns about private sector interests, practicality and governance.