Current projects

Topic tagging of the free text comments in the 2023 Women’s Reproductive Health Survey for England

  • Health care
  • Health improvement
  • Social care
  • The RHSE was a commitment of the 2022 Women’s Health Strategy. The analysis of the qualitative comments in the 2023 survey will provide a deeper understanding of respondents’ views and experiences of their reproductive health in their own words. It will elaborate on the quantitative data, indicating what is important to women in relation to their health and how services have been provided.

  • Our overall aim is to produce an anonymised, cleaned data set of qualitative comments from the 2023 RHSE, tagged by reporoductive health topics & concepts, linked to participant survey responses, including socio-demographic data.


    • To report differences in socio-demographic characteristics between respondents who left comments relating to their reproductive health with those who did not
    • To tag the comments by reproductive health topics & concepts
  • We will use a text mining software programme to product tags for the comments, expost these tags with participant ID to merge back onto the RHSE2023 dataset.