Current projects

National evaluation of the Adult Social Care (ASC) Technology Fund

Exploring how ASC Technology Fund projects can encourage adoption of technologies at scale to transform the sector.
Illustration of people looking at technology devices

Concussion in Grassroots Sports

To understand how the UK concussion guidelines for grassroots sport have been implemented, and attitudes and awareness at grassroot-levels.
Illustration of childern playing football

Public survey on animal to human organ transplantation

Understanding public attitudes to the use of animal organs as a potential solution to the shortage of organs for transplantation.
Illustration of human organs that can be transplated and pig DNA

An examination of women’s access to and experiences of reproductive health care in England

This project consists of a quantitative analysis of the Reproductive health Survey for England 2023 (RSE2023), in-depth interviews and community group model building to understand service access, including Women’s Health Hubs, and experiences across the reproductive life course.

Delivering health checks in the workplace: an implementation evaluation of the Workplace Cardiovascular Disease Checks Pilot

Exploring the feasibility and potential benefits of implementing health checks in the workplace.
Illustration of someone’s arm and blood pressure being taken

Topic tagging of the free text comments in the 2023 Women’s Reproductive Health Survey for England

Adverse Weather and Health Plan evaluation

The PIRU team are conducting a process evaluation of local implementation of the AWHP, with aims to explore the key barriers and facilitators to local implementation and feed into the UKHSA’s efforts to best support the organisations implementing the plan.